Dario Pellegrino
When I think I create, when I create I imagine.Then what physically comes out is definitely the fruit of my heart. ART in TILE is born as a reaction to my personal experience of life. I fight against a TUMOR IN THE PANCREAS
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Art, music and culture are daily bread for Dario Pellegrino since he was a child. A life spent under the sign of studying and designing high-profile cultural content under the banner of 360-degree contamination and promotion. A creative and managerial effort, after decades of experience in film and entertainment, I felt the need to change and revert myself. For almost 4 years I have been creating AUSGANG24, which represents a different and provocative way of thinking, “designing actions that are always new and out of the common patterns, driven by the creative possibilities of our time“. A cultural hub, based on the need to support art in all its Form, while creating connections between culture and people.


I studied as a graphic designer, technical film operator, curator of exhibitions of Contemporary Art and Street Art and now a freelancer and Artist. Art has always been part of my life and in recent years I have also found myself being a 'curator', but in this particular field I am practically self-taught. Creating Art, on the other hand, was an unplanned choice, for non-natural causes but against a bad evil with which I live and struggle every day.


I still remember that day, in the thrags of thoughts and questions, a tear, formed a heart on the back of a majolica, and from which moment I decided to create paintings on tiles, this is how ART IN TILE was born. Spray and Marker on porcelain stoneware that I represent through my creativity.

Events at Rome Art Week
Touch of light
21-27 Oct 2024
Touch of light
Light in all its variations takes shape through a journey that crosses the darkness revealing the most intimate part of us
Free access
Vernissage Saturday 26 Oct 2024 | 17:00
Lux mentis Adriano Segarelli art studio
Via Laura Mantegazza 20/a
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