Janneke Leenders
Janneke Leenders was born in Roermond in 2003, and started working as an active artist in Rome from 2019. She works with immersive mediums such as installation but also interferes with more traditional mediums such as printmaking.
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Janneke Leenders was born in 2003 in Roermond, the Netherlands. She comes from a scientific background and has experience in the theatre in dance and set design. 


Currently Janneke explores in her practice the traces of life that hide in the absurdity of the lifeless abstract by the use of different mediums in an alleged way to create a distant sense of something vital. 


She does so by using the immersive values that installation offers in combination with the reapplication of more traditional mediums such as printmaking, but through a contemporary lens. 


Events at Rome Art Week
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