Rome Art Week


The partnership between Rome Art Week and CertArt, the innovative system for creating artist biographical resumes, which offers an effective methodology for organizing educational and artistic experiences, is now operational. In addition, CertArt will soon enable the creation of professional authenticity certifications of artworks, as it will not only create prints of the authentications for the artist but will also store them in an electronic format that can be consulted online permanently, and in addition, the first effective anti-theft system for artworks will be made available to artists.

For an artist involved in contemporary art, submitting a resume is a key aspect of building a solid and lasting career in the art world. In fact, a well-structured and comprehensive résumé can be a key determinant in establishing relationships with galleries, museums, journalists, and collectors, and in gaining more opportunities to exhibit and sell one’s work.

Unique Code
Receive your own unique international code that will identify you without confusion in the art world

Dedicated domain name
Use your assigned domain and site to disseminate your biographical resume and portfolio

Biographical Sheet
Create an artist resume suitable for dealings with galleries, museums, institutions, collectors and journalists

PDF Resume
Generate a layout of your biographical resume in PDF format whenever you want

Activity History
Highlight exhibitions, residencies, awards and all your activities to give value to your artistic journey

QR Code
Get your personal QR code to instantly disseminate your artistic references

Tools for journalists and webmasters
Allow journalists and webmasters to easily download your high-resolution photo and data in editable format

Dedicated site, resume and exportable data are always available in both Italian and English

Synchronize your data with your Rome Art Week profile and redirect your portfolio from your Certart site

Look at the site and you will understand!

As long as CertArt is in launch version all services active now will be free forever!

CertArt is a Supporter of Rome Art Week


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